Hearing Loss Concerns in Young Adults


Many of us believe that hearing loss affects only an older age demographic. However, with changing audio consumption habits in the last few years, it is the younger demographic that is at a higher risk of using Hearing Aids in the near future mainly owing to lifestyle habits. The world has gone digital to an extent that we depend on earphones or headphones even to do the most basic activities like jogging, cycling, and doing simple household tasks with them on. Moreover, our hectic work schedules which consist of numerous online meetings, calls, and other entertainment activities involve extensive use of headphones.

Reports Highlighting Key Causes of Hearing Loss in Young Adults

According to the WHO (World Health Organization) reports, globally, at least 2.2 billion people have one or the other eye-sight related concerns. WHO has also stated that at least 1 billion or almost half of these cases could have been easily prevented. What caused such a huge rise in cases related to eyesight? Clearly, it was due to the increased screen time due to the increased usage of mobile phones, desktops, laptops, and all sorts of gadgets across the world and across age groups. This case study gives us a clear insight into the surge of issues related to hearing loss across the world owing to increased usage of headphones and other external audio equipment. It is crucial to consider the long-term effects of using headphones on hearing and ear health in order to avoid a spiralling rise in cases related to hearing impairment, just like we saw in case of eyesight issues across the world.

A recent survey by WHO has revealed that over 60% of the population in the world uses headphones for several hours daily. Another report by WHO has predicted that by 2050 at least 1 in 4 individuals will have some degree of hearing loss. Several other studies by WHO also indicate that due to the increased unsafe listening practises, over 1 billion young adults are at the risk of inevitable hearing loss. These reports clearly point out the severity of the threat that our favorite noise-canceling and high bass headphones pose to the ear health of the most productive section of the population, which is mainly the youth who are highly dependent on these devices. 

Clinical researches also show that one of the most common causes of hearing loss is the same as it is for older adults which is prolonged noise exposure causing noise-induced hearing loss. They also show a sharp increase in the unsafe volume of sound across the world to which generations of Gen-Z, millennials and Gen-X have been exposed. They point to a host of reasons like binge-watching, loud concerts, listening to loud music on earphones, apart from workplace noise, and loud traffic noise too.

Even though amongst these above-stated reasons that cause hearing loss in young adults, not every cause can be entirely rectified, some of these causes can be avoided by simply changing our listening habits.

Difficulties faced by Young Adults with Hearing Loss

Younger adults with hearing loss face several unique challenges as they enter college, employment, social relationships, etc. Studies have found that loss of productivity due to hearing impairment costs billions to the world economy, every year. Moreover, the impact of hearing disability upon them is far more than older adults as even if they do find a means of livelihood, the prolonged duration of social exclusion and inability to effectively communicate affects them psychologically. Their lack of social participation often leads to them suffering from depression and hypertension.

Prevention of Hearing Loss in Young Adults

Although today there are various clinical interventions and techniques through which people with hearing impairment can be helped and treated, research shows that hearing loss can be avoided to a great extent with the correct information and changes in lifestyle.

It has been found that in children and young adults nearly 60% of hearing loss is due to avoidable causes. These causes can be prevented by the effective implementation of public health measures like prenatal and postnatal care vaccines, stringent sound limits imposed on mobile phones and television, avoiding noisy public places, and the adoption of ear health-friendly audio devices.

Today, there are many innovative state-of-the-art audio devices that prevent hearing loss and also provide innovative hearing care to those with hearing loss. Some preventative solutions are being offered by WeHear Innovations Pvt. Ltd. With its unbridled innovative efforts, the mission of Team WeHear has been to build an ear health-friendly way of hearing. With the help of some state-of-the-art audio devices like WeHear OX operating on Bone Conduction Technology, WeHear has dedicated itself to the mission of creating awareness about the adoption of ear health-friendly practices.

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